Learn Unlearn Relearn! - The 3 Mantras of Survival in Future

Learn Unlearn Relearn! - The 3 Mantras of Survival in Future

A cursory scan during the recent pandemic caused by COVID-19 at the personal social media content, programs in news channels and other online information repositories during the recent pandemic caused by COVID-19 indicates that a large set of Indian population who have access to internet are engaged in short educational programs during this period at least once.




It can be inferred that the lockdowns due to pandemic is certainly accelerating the following aspects of education among youth in the digital world:


• Remote teaching


• Distance learning


• Online assessments


• Digital payment


• Digital certification


• Online discussion forums, etc.


Along with the use of digital platforms in education, the characteristics of people's pursuit of knowledge, information and learning also are beginning to change i.e.

• People are inclined to accept and practice learning: During the current lockdown period there is a surge in attendance to online webinars, courses and certification programs in varied subjects (there are also trolls to suggest that we are overdoing this)


• People are focused on to knowing concepts and and plathe learning competencies, rather than degrees and diplomas skills seeking degrees & diplomas


•The image of a conventional teacher got blurred and a person who has specific knowledge base, information and experience in a field emerged as a teacher abruptly. "Teacherpreuners are popping up in the social media in plenty. The classrooms lost its boundaries and entered into the bedrooms, drawing rooms and travelling chambers of the learners


• People of all ages have begun to explore topics and subjects online that were irrelevant for them before the pandemic


All these indicate that changes are happening at a faster pace in the field of education and all sections of people are prompted to catch up with this trend. We hope and almost certain that COVID 19 pandemic will go but some of the customs and practices that have emerged during this period will remain in our live

As said by Alvin Toffler "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot and write, but those who cannot lea unlearn, and relearn." This quote can no more be ignored, the current situation is demanding from all of us to urlean our prior practices and learn new ways of life. There are three major and citr elements that are going to change the structure of our education system for the youth and we need to accommodate them in our lives.




A few years or few months back, the students had restrictions to take ther mobile phones and tablets into their classroom and exam halls. Most teacher and parents fear that exposure to one technology and gadgets will enable them to use internet for bad things We red to have an attitude change here. Actually we have failed to teach the students how to use the online technology for productive purposes. We could have usu Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc., to manage the students, their learning, ther work, assessments, etc. Anyway, mary teachers and schools are using them now to impart their teaching and gathering student assignments. This trend definite to stay here and will be enriched by introduction of new applications. 

 By now, many educational authorities have realized that it is futile to compete with access to technology and the better way is to assimilate the technology into our systems. There is a proof for it that educational activities during the lockdown times were very much operated online and many state governments are trying to engage the students through online classes, remote assignment submissions and evaluation of the student's work.

Now, the educational space is fully pervaded by the technology. Parents, teachers, governments and educational authorities have to proactively track, identify and evaluate the emerging online applications regularly and embrace them into the mainstream educational activities. 
