The pandemic has disrupted the current cycle of higher education all over the world. For students waiting to sit for the university exit exam examinations, those in readiness to write the entrance test to obtain admission to professional courses and pursue higher education courses at professional colleges and universities and others who wish to apply to top international institutions and study abroad, the coming of the pandemic had stalled their dreams.
With 186 countries having implemented nationwide lockdowns and 8 having implemented local closures, about 98 .5% of the world's student population stands impacted. Compelled by the uncertainties surrounded the pandemic, the country's top academic bodies have decided to promote the students into next classes based on their internal performance.
Some universities have commenced the new academic sessions using online teaching platforms and course materials. However, in an unequal society facing digital advice, internet access is also unequal.
In present day, India only 43% of the population has an internet connection and about 25% of the population that is 446 million smartphones. At the same time, both teachers and students must acquire requisite skills and adaptability for the digital medium to work well.
Though the online courses may partially compensate for the classroom teaching, the professional colleges and universities being closed, no laboratory, clinical or experimental research can be undertaken. Research at best is limited to literature review, online interviews or questionnaires. Core experimental research has suffered severely and also has the in -maintenance of laboratories, equipment, chemicals, animal houses and cell lines.
International collaboration, workshops and conferences stand strong. Universities and laboratories across many European countries and United States, which depend upon the international students and researchers from developing countries to fund and man their facilities are suddenly left, high and right.
Their research projects face discontinuity and shortage of trained men, while much at the same time the career of the affected students has also certainly become mired. Governments, universities, resource institutions must rethink their working strategy.