How PUSUE candidate doing PUSU Election Campaign and attract Voters in ethical and unethical ways
- 16 Nov, 2022
- 1819
More than 24,000 students of constituent colleges and postgraduate departments of Patna University (PU) will vote for electing the leaders of the Patna University Students’ Union (PUSU) on November 19.
The last elections to the union were held almost three years ago on December 7, 2019. Incidentally, this will be the first election during the regime of the present vice-chancellor (VC) Girish Kumar Chaudhary.
Whenever you talked about #StudentElection, it simply means that it will lay the first foundation of healthy democratic culture among youths, and will conduct more healthy elections if they participate outside the campus at Panchayat Level, Lok Sabha, and many more, but here #PUSUE Candidate presents something else!
Let's #Watch it and figure out what message these candidates have to the youth!
So, PUSUE Candidate has been trying ethical and unethical ways to attract student voters, and so we cover it and try to know the thought of a few PUSUE Candidate and Students as well.