“Mera Pahla Vote Desh ke liye” awareness program was organized at Langat Singh College

“Mera Pahla Vote Desh ke liye” awareness program was organized at Langat Singh College

An awareness program titled "Mera Pahla Vote Desh ke liye" was conducted today at Langat Singh College. The Chief Guest, Prof. Dinesh Chandra Rai, Vice Chancellor of BRA Bihar University, emphasized the significance of elections and the pride associated with voting in the world's largest democracy.

Prof. Rai highlighted that India's democratic foundation rests on election outcomes, with legislatures and parliaments being elected by and for the people. He expressed gratitude for the constitutional right to vote and urged young first-time voters to exercise this democratic privilege, stressing that every vote plays a crucial role in shaping the nation's future.

Discussing the "Mera Pahla Vote Desh ke liye" national campaign, Prof. Rai underscored its goal of fostering informed participation among the youth, with a specific aim to boost youth involvement in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Langat Singh College Principal, Prof. Omprakash Roy, outlined the primary objective of the awareness campaign – to motivate young voters to cast their votes, emphasizing the importance of voting for the nation's overall well-being. He urged Indian youth not only to be aware of their electoral rights but also to actively engage in the democratic processes that define the world's largest democracy.

Mr. Satyapriya Kumar, District Deputy Election Officer, explained the online application process for 18-year-old students whose voter cards have not been issued yet. He encouraged everyone to register and highlighted a selfie point in the college, symbolizing voter awareness. The Vice Chancellor, Principal, and other dignitaries inspired everyone to vote by taking photographs at this point.

The program included a pledge-taking ceremony by students, committing to respect and actively participate in the democratic process. Notable attendees at the event included NSS PO Dr. Rituraj Kumar, Lt. Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Dr. Navin Kumar, DRDA Director Sanjay Kumar, SDC Archana Kumari, Junior Election Officer East Raju Kumar, Junior Election Officer West Srishti Priya, Guru Prasad Kashyap, and others.
