Maharashtra Forest Guard Result 2023 will be released soon on the official website portal https://mahaforest.gov.in/. Candidates can check the result wisely by the 2nd week of November 2023 and they must have a valid mahaforest.gov.in login information and registration number.
Maharashtra Forest Guard Result 2023
Maharashtra Forest Department has conducted the exams for MP Forest Guard 2023 and applicants are eagerly waiting for the Maharashtra Forest Guard Result 2023. Exams were held at various centers to fill the vacant position of forest guard officers. There were a total of 60 questions in the examination and each question carries 2 marks.
Candidates can evaluate the result before release using the answer key and keep in mind that there will be a negative marking of ¼ marks. Maharashtra forest Guard Exam was held in CBT mode and candidates can anticipate their result by 2nd week of November 2023 for the exams held from 31 July 2023 to 11 August 2023.
mahaforest.gov.in Van Rakshak Result 2023 Download
The Forest Department of the Maharashtra Government will formally announce the Maharashtra Forest Guard Result 2023 during the 2nd week of November 2023. Applicants who took the online exam should be aware that the Maharashtra Vanrakshak Result 2023 will be posted at https://mahaforest.gov.in/. Shortly after the official release, the direct link to print or check the Maharashtra Van Rakshak result will be active on the official web portal.
Organization | Maharashtra Forest Department |
Exam Date | 31 July 2023 to 11 August 2023 |
Exam Duration | 2 hour |
Question Type | MCQ |
Number of Question | 60 |
Exam Mode | CBT (online) |
Marking System | 2 Marks |
Negative Marking | ¼ Mark |
Result Date | 2nd week of November 2023 |
Provisional Answer Key | 11th September 2023 (Released) |
Final Answer Key Date | October 3rd Week, 2023 |
PET | December 2023 |
Final Selection List | January 2024 |
Schedule Link | Check Here |
Official Website | mahaforest.gov.in |
Applicants who took the CBT for various positions should be aware that it could take up to four weeks for the Maharashtra Forest Department to publish the results on their website, https://mahaforest.gov.in/. The sooner the evaluation process of the response sheet is finished, the sooner the results will be available for downloading and checking. Maharashtra Forest Guard Result will be available to download for all the candidates who gave the exam and they must check all the details available in the MH Forest Guard result.
How to check the Maharashtra Forest Result 2023?
Go through the step-by-step instructions below mentioned below to download or check the Maharashtra Vanrakshak Result 2023.
- Visit the website of the Maharashtra Forest Department at mahaforest.gov.in/.
- Locate and select the “Maharashtra Forest Guard Result 2023” link.
- Enter your exam roll number or registration information.
- The “Submit” button must be clicked to see your outcome.
- Your scores and eligibility status will be displayed along with the Forest Guard exam result.
MG Forest Guard Cut Off 2023
Applicants can check their result and cut off list using their mahaforest.gov.in login credentials or roll number, and the department will also release category-specific cutoffs with the Maharashtra Forest Guard Result 2023, which will be made available in PDF format on the official website in the month of July. The Cut-Off Marks for all categories: SC, ST, OBC, General and EWS will be given in the result gazette.
Applicants who took the exam are keenly awaiting the Maharashtra Forest Guard Cut Off Marks 2023. The cut off scores for various categories and jobs are of interest to applicants since they will give them insight into their abilities and chances of becoming a Forest Guard.
MH Forest Guard Merit List 2023
The Maharashtra Forest Guard applicants who took the test are eagerly awaiting the Maharashtra Forest Guard Merit List 2023. The names of those who performed exceptionally well on the test are listed here, along with a comparison of their performance to that of other applicants. Those who secured a great position in Maharashtra Forest Guard Exam will be eligible to get preference in the selection procedure.