IIT Bhubaneswar observed Vigilance Awareness Week 2022

IIT Bhubaneswar observed Vigilance Awareness Week 2022

 IIT Bhubaneswar observed Vigilance Awareness Week 2022, a week-long programme starting from 31st October to 07th November 2022 with the theme “Corruption-free India for a Developed Nation –भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त भारत – विकसित भारत” as mandated by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). The observance of the week commenced on 31st Oct, 2022 with all employees by taking the integrity pledge at the Administrative Building to emphasize the importance of integrity in public life and show its commitment to implement the policy of ‘Zero Tolerance against Corruption’. The week culminated with an impressive closing ceremony organized at the Community Centre of IIT Bhubaneswar on 7th Nov, 2022. The chief guest of the event was Shri Yeshwant Kumar Jethwa, IPS, Director Vigilance, Govt. of Odisha. The event was started with the message of Prof. V. K. Tiwari, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar.

Prof. V. K. Tiwari emphasized corruption is major hindrances in the wholesome growth of any nation. The nation is suffering due to the corruption existing at different levels of operations. We need to make ourselves aware of the adverse effects of it and act appropriately fight against corruption in the interest of the country on the whole, without which our country will continue to remain at developing level only and will never taste the flavor of the 'Developed Nation' , he said. He also added that IIT Bhubaneswar will continue to work with refining actions at workplaces and contribute adequately with whole hearted support in meeting the objectives of the government and the country in this direction.

Shri Yeshwant Kumar Jethwa, Chief Guest on the occasion reiterated that corruption has become a disease which has no symptoms to realize, that’s why this disease is quite dangerous. He added that IIT Bhubaneswar is a Centre of excellence for technology. Technology is a double edged fold, corrupt practices are now taking advantage of technology in various ways. So technology in one side is helping corruption, on the other hand if technological advancements are exploited well in coming up with innovations, various tools & products can help to prevent the corrupt practices. So technology can be helpful in big way in finding out the anomalies, the pattern of digital corruption. He also addressed the students, faculty members to contribute in their own way towards making India a developed nation.

Prof. P. R. Sahu, Chief Vigilance Officer of the Institute appealed all employees to follow all procedures and guidelines in order to ensure transparency and accountability. He further asked everyone to work harder with full integrity which would lead to the benefit of IIT Bhubaneswar and the nation as a whole. Also present at the occasion were Prof. P. R. Sahu, Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), Prof. P. V. Satyam, Dean Student Affairs, Shri Manas Kumar Behera, Deputy Registrar and Shri Debaraj Rath, Registrar along with active participation by faculty, staff members and students. The programme ended with vote of thanks by the Registrar.
