Embracing the Murakami Method: The Power of Mesmerism and Repetition

Embracing the Murakami Method: The Power of Mesmerism and Repetition

For the longest time, I believed I was destined to remain a night owl indefinitely. The idea of waking up early seemed like an unattainable feat, especially amidst the chaos of university life where schedules often felt like a whirlwind of classes, work, and sporadic free moments. Yet, a few months ago, Haruki Murakami's novels, particularly "Norwegian Wood," became more than just captivating reads—they became catalysts for change.

Diving into Murakami's literary world prompted me to explore more about the man behind the mesmerizing prose. In a 2004 interview, I stumbled upon a gem of wisdom that completely shifted my perspective. Murakami shared his daily routine:

"When I'm in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4 a.m. and work for five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for ten kilometers or swim for fifteen hundred meters (or do both), then I read a bit and listen to some music. I go to bed at 9 p.m."

He spoke of unwavering dedication to this routine, emphasizing the repetition as a form of mesmerism—a concept that struck a chord with me. Reflecting on my own life, I realized I'd experienced this self-hypnosis before. It was the tool I'd used as a child to cultivate habits like morning tooth-brushing and later, to sustain a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and journaling.

Murakami's narrative of repetition and mesmerism inspired me. His disciplined routine, rooted in repetition, was more than a schedule; it was a way to delve deeper into one's consciousness. It wasn't merely about waking up early; it was about carving out uninterrupted, productive hours before the world stirred awake.

I decided to adopt Murakami's approach and transform myself into an early riser, despite the challenges posed by my hectic university routine. The initial stages were daunting, leaving the warmth of my bed at 4 a.m. seemed herculean. Yet, the concept of mesmerism, the idea that repetition could shape my consciousness, motivated me to persist.

Slowly but surely, the repetition started to take root. The act of waking up early ceased to be a struggle; it became a ritual, a sacred time for undisturbed focus and personal growth. Those early hours, a tranquil haven amidst the slumbering world, became a sanctuary for deep study and personal projects.

The mesmerism Murakami spoke of became evident. Repetition became my anchor, infusing my mornings with a clarity and productivity previously unattainable. What once felt like an arduous challenge blossomed into an empowering practice that nurtured both my mind and spirit.

Through this journey, I rediscovered the immense power of repetition on the psyche. Murakami's words weren't just about writing routines; they were about unlocking personal potential. The concept of mesmerism became a guiding philosophy, instilling discipline, order, and self-discovery in my life.

In embracing the early hours, I've learned that physical strength is as crucial as artistic sensitivity, echoing Murakami's sentiment. This routine isn't merely about waking up; it's about fortifying the mind and body, fostering resilience, and preparing for life's challenges.

The Murakami method isn't just a schedule—it's a transformative philosophy. Mesmerism, repetition, and disciplined routine are not just tools for writers; they're cornerstones for a purpose-driven life. Haruki Murakami's words ceased to be mere inspiration; they became a guiding light towards a life rich in intention and fulfillment.
