B.R.A Bihar University to Introduce Its Own Anthem

B.R.A Bihar University to Introduce Its Own Anthem

BRA Bihar University will soon have its own anthem, as announced by Vice Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Chandra Rai during a seminar address. The university will organize an open competition for writing the Kulgeet, with preparations already underway. 

The selected creator of the Kulgeet will receive a reward of twenty-five thousand rupees and a citation. Vice Chancellor Rai emphasized that the university anthem will instill a sense of pride in everyone associated with the institution, marking it as a significant cultural gift for the future.

Prof. Rai highlighted that the anthem will be a powerful symbol of the university's values and traditions. He hopes it will inspire and motivate all members of the university community. The lyrics will celebrate the university's rich history, commitment to educational excellence, and dedication to societal impact.

The university encourages students, faculty, and alumni to participate in the writing competition. The aim is to create lyrics that reflect the institution's values and ethos while inspiring pride and unity within the university community. 

The university plans to integrate the anthem into various events and ceremonies, solidifying its role as a central part of the university's identity. Prof. Rai mentioned that details on the process for submitting entries, deadlines, and submission links via the university website will be shared soon.

Attendees at the announcement included Principal of LS College Prof. Omprakash Roy, PRO Prof. Rajeev Kumar Jha, Proctor Prof. BS Rai, Registrar Prof. Sanjay Kumar, Prof. TK Dey, Prof. Kalyan Kumar Jha, and Dr. Navin Kumar, among others.
